Family Resources
Parent education that empowers families of children living with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses is goal Project DOCC holds dear. Through resources, training and support, we strive to help parents and guardians become skillful family and community advocates.
A strength of Project DOCC is helping families navigate the numerous services in Texas that are available to families of children with disabilities, including community support, Medicaid waiver programs and other state programs.
The paradox for families is “How can I ask for the program if I do not know the programs exist?” Project DOCC is here to help!
Resources - First Step
Resource Guide for Parents of Children with Disabilities, Houston and Surrounding Counties
Resources - Customized
Contact Project DOCC for the following offerings.
Support to individuals by telephone or virtual meeting
Presentations, Workshops and Trainings for parent groups, advocacy organizations and care professionals
Connect individually to a veteran chronic-care parent willing to share “acquired wisdom.” Project DOCC can connect you to a parent who can help you talk through issues and point you in the right direction for resources, either help in general or specific to your child’s medical diagnosis, including:
assisted technology devices
camp preparation
cerebral palsy
cystic fibrosis
dual sensory impairment
familial dysautonomia
home equipment, home setup
Medicaid, waiver programs
mobility equipment
multidisabled, multiply-impaired
NICU discharge
special education
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
visually impaired
I am often approached by parents of young children with disabilities who have questions about how to find resources or help with the school system. My experience with Project DOCC and listening to other parents’ stories has helped me become more aware of what is available, and what I can expect for help with my child, as well as what resources are out there for families dealing with other disabilities. I am a stronger advocate for my daughter as well as a good resource for other parents because of this exposure.
– Meg Marchiando